The School of Kinesiology and Health Science in the Faculty of Health at York University invites highly qualified applicants for a Sessional Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream position in Leadership Development and Movement. This is a Contractually Limited Appointment (CLA) to the teaching stream for a three-year term to commence July 1, 2024.
The successful candidate will be expected to teach undergraduate and/or graduate courses and provide creative experiential-based educational leadership to enhance teaching and learning through curricular and pedagogical innovation in the classroom and applied settings. York Kinesiology and Health Science graduates are expected to have the opportunity to develop personal leadership skills and be capable of empowering others to become more physically active through these developed leadership attributes. These valuable skills are highly transferable to a myriad of career trajectories taken by Kinesiology and Health Science graduates. The Candidate’s primary role will be to develop and implement the emerging Integrated Physical Activity for Life (IPAL) courses through collaboration with existing IPAL faculty members. The IPAL courses are committed to equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) and strive to develop all Kinesiology and Health Science students into well rounded ambassadors of physical activity who possess the knowledge and ability to promote active healthy behaviours for themselves and those around them. This mission will be achieved through diverse movement-based experiences across six themes delivered during the first two years of the undergraduate program.
For more information, please click here.