Relationship between imagery use and team collective efficacy of elite athletes in nigeria


Studies exploring the prediction between imagery and efficacy in sport are on the increase and research evidence has indicated that the cognitive and motivational functions of imagery are important determinants of collective efficacy. This study investigated the relationship between Imagery use and team collective efficacy of athletes in Nigeria. Elite male and female (60) team sport athletes sampled from volleyball, basketball, handball, football and hockey (Mean age= 22yrs;Sd 3.45) completed the Sport Imagery Questionnaire and Team Sport Collective Efficacy Scale. Multiple regression model which was used for analysis revealed a significant joint contribution (P<0.05) of the five imagery sub-scales on the teams' collective efficacy. Further results revealed that 56.3% of the variance of the Imagery sub-scales was accounted for in the scores of team collective efficacy. Relatively, Cognitive general (ß=.2.62, P<0.05) and cognitive specific (ß=.643, P<0.05) imagery sub-scales made significant contributions to team sport collective efficacy than motivational specific, motivational general mastery and motivational general arousal respectively. Findings suggest that cognitive specific and cognitive general imagery sub-scales are potential techniques that can be used to enhance collective efficacy of the team athletes in other to produce the desired level of attainment in team success.

Acknowledgments: Support from the Oyo state sport council