EMG-EMG coherence shows increased reticulospinal contributions to proximal effectors


Voluntary muscle commands underlying human movements are traditionally thought to primarily involve corticospinal pathways, although some movements (e.g. proximal effectors) also utilize brainstem (reticulospinal) pathways. Additionally, studies using a startling acoustic stimulus (SAS) have implicated involvement of subcortical structures in the production of substantially shortened reaction time (RT). The present experiment aimed to determine whether proximal and startle-triggered movements show increased contributions of reticulospinal drive. EMG-EMG coherence analysis was used to elucidate reticular contributions to movement production based on the strength of correlated oscillations in the 10-20 Hz band, which has been shown to be associated with these neural inputs. Participants completed a simple RT task involving either a bilateral shoulder (proximal) or index finger (distal) abduction movement following an auditory go-signal or a SAS. As expected, RT was significantly shorter on startle trials for both movements. On control trials EMG-EMG coherence was significantly greater in the reticulospinal range for the proximal movement. Startle trials resulted in a further significant increase in 10-20 Hz coherence for the proximal movement, while this difference was absent for the distal movement. In other words, reticulospinal input is greater for proximal than distal movements and a SAS further increases reticulospinal activation for proximal effectors. These results provide novel evidence for differential contributions of brainstem structures to movement production that are dependent upon effector location and role.

Acknowledgments: Supported by NSERC and the Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation and Science