Comparing the self-esteem and self-concept of physical education female students with other major female students


The purpose of this study was to compare the self-esteem and self-concept of physical education female students with other major female students.The subjects were 100 students(50 physical education students and 50 students in other majors) who were randomly selected from Azad Islamic University of Sari.The Eysneck's self-concept and the Roger's self-esteem inventory were completed by subjects.The data were analyzed through Mann-Whitney U and Spearman statical methods.The results revealed that there is not a significant difference between physical education female students with other major female students in self-concept,but there is a significant difference between their self-esteem and the female students in other majors had higher scores. It also found that there is a significant and positive correlation between self-esteem and self-concept of physical education female students.However ,there is a positive but non-significant correlation between self-esteem and self-concept of other major female students.