Translation of efficacious health interventions into the community are often not applied in practice. The gap between research and practice is concerning for community members who can benefit from early access to effective health interventions. Knowledge translation activities and community partnerships are demonstrated methods to close the gap, yet there is a need for quality partnerships to ensure research findings are implemented into communities to ensure sustainability, rigour and quality programming through planning, preparation and time to foster the partnership. This presentation outlines the preparation process of translating an evidence-based program for improving health and exercise adherence in individuals with prediabetes into a community setting through a case example of a partnership between the YMCA of Okanagan and the Diabetes Prevention Research Group. The process involved three formalized translation events that enabled the group to work towards a long-term, successful partnership. These events included key stakeholders from research, community, and clinical settings. Stakeholder input was gathered to (a) identify roles and responsibilities of each partner in program sustainability and ongoing fidelity, (b) establish a training program and plan, and (c) develop a translational timeline. A video knowledge product was also created that documents the process of the partnership and program evolution to promote the program across the region. Insights from this process were imperative in informing the pilot implementation of the diabetes prevention program in the community, which is now ongoing. Moreover, this research provides insight into how community-research partnerships can collaboratively plan for and deliver programs within communities.Acknowledgments: Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research, Canadian Institute for Health Research