A 2-month follow-up study of university students' yoga enjoyment, present yoga practice, and future intentions


Researchers around the globe are increasingly interested in testing yoga as a mental health intervention. We recently conducted an online 6-week Hatha yoga intervention using a mixed methods single case experimental design, whereby university students completed two yoga sessions per week. The purpose of this follow-up study was to determine participants' overall enjoyment of the yoga sessions, their yoga practice 2-months later, and future intentions to practice yoga. Approximately 2-months after completing the yoga intervention, 6 participants completed an online survey to report their enjoyment during the yoga sessions (using the Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale), their present yoga practice (e.g., frequency, duration), and their future intentions of practicing yoga at least twice a week in the next 6 months on a scale of 1 (very improbable) to 10 (very probable). Descriptive statistics were used to describe the collected data. Although the mean enjoyment score was high across participants for both the synchronous (M=4.45/5) and asynchronous (M=3.92/5) yoga sessions, only one participant sustained their yoga practice following the study. The average score regarding the participants' future intentions of practicing yoga was 5.5/10. These findings provide preliminary support that synchronous yoga classes may provide more enjoyment than asynchronous. Despite their perceived enjoyment, most participants did not maintain their yoga practice at 2-month follow-up and their intentions were moderate. Correlational analyses between enjoyment and intentions will also be presented. Complimenting yoga interventions with the coaching of additional behaviour change techniques may provide further support in fostering maintenance of yoga practice among university students. Keywords: Yoga, physical activity, enjoyment