Using Organizational Readiness for Change as a Framework for Implementing Novel Recommendations for Parasport Classification within Two National Sport Organizations: A Collective Case Study


Evidence-informed recommendations for the management of parasport classification by National Sport Organizations (NSOs) were recently developed. This study uses a collective case study approach to describe how these recommendations were enacted within two NSOs using organizational readiness for change as a framework for implementation. Limited financial and human support for classification were a primary barrier to implementing the recommendations. The recommendations to develop a classification pathway for athletes, as well as a pathway for classifiers, were realized by both organizations. Recommendations regarding administrator training (e.g., disability knowledge, communication skills) have yet to be implemented within either organization. In total, both NSOs demonstrated readiness to implement the recommendations and valued working alongside researchers to develop a plan for implementation. Contextual factors which affected each organizations’ potential to implement the recommendations are also highlighted. This study adds to the literature explaining how evidence-informed recommendations may be implemented in the parasport context.