Effectiveness and efficacy of GMCB physical activity interventions


The purpose of this presentation is to examine the effectiveness of group-mediated cognitive behavioural interventions (GMCB) on physical activity (PA) and its associated health and behavioural outcomes. An extensive literature search was conducted to locate empirical PA research examining the GMCB. Results from ten interventions spanning six diverse populations are reported. Effect sizes favouring the GMCB (ES - Cohen's d) are presented for three primary outcomes: physical function, PA adherence, and social cognitions. For example, physical function effects include improved MET capacity (d = .48) for older adults and 6-minute walk (d = .74) for cardiac rehabilitation patients. PA adherence effects include moderate to vigorous PA frequency (d = 1.06) and exercise volume (d = .40) for post-natal mothers. Social-cognitive effects include self-regulatory efficacy (d's > .50) for obese adolescents and HRQL (d = .37) for cardiac rehabilitation patients. In sum, GMCB interventions reflect promising moderate to large ES across 3 primary outcomes in diverse populations. Those studies examining the mediation of intervention effects on outcome by self-efficacy will also be reported.

Acknowledgments: Supported by Canada Research Chair training funds.