Further validation of the Coach Identity Prominence Scale


Identity prominence is defined as the way in which an individual views himself/herself, according to his/her ideals and desires or what is central and important to the individual (Burke & Stets, 2009).  Guided by the role identity model (McCall & Simmons, 1978), the Coach Identity Prominence Scale (CIPS; Pope & Hall, in press) operationalized identity prominence with two subscales, which were labelled as Centrality (five items) and Evaluative Emotions (three items).This study was designed to examine select psychometric properties of the Coach Identity Prominence Scale, including the reliability, factorial validity, convergent validity, discriminant validity, and predictive validity.  Coaches (n = 338) who averaged 37 (SD = 12.27) years of age, had a mean of 13 (SD = 9.90) years of coaching experience, and were currently coaching 46 different sports, served as the participants in this study.  Participants completed a questionnaire that included four sections; demographics, identity prominence (Coach Identity Prominence Scale; Pope & Hall, in press), motivation (Coach Motivation Questionnaire; Mclean, Mallet, & Newcombe, 2012), and passion (The Passion Scale; Vallerand et al., 2003).  The findings provided support for the various types of reliability and validity tested in the present study, with only partial support for discriminant validity.  The CIPS may therefore serve as a viable option for researchers interested in further understanding the identity or psychological processes of coaches.

Acknowledgments: The first author was funded by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada during the collection of the data for this study, and by the Ontario Graduate Scholarship Program during the writing of this manuscript.